Lawn Renovation
Core Aeration will be performed in two alternating directions during the spring or fall using a machine that is comprised of several rows of hollow tines. These tines are plunged into the ground to a depth of approximately 3”. Dime roll sized cores of soil are pulled out onto the lawn's surface. These cores will break down and disappear naturally over the course of a week or two. Core Aeration reduces soil compaction often caused by lawn rollers, construction equipment, or heavy foot traffic. It also aids in the breakdown of thatch while improving flow of air, water, and nutrients to the root system. This will increase effectiveness of fertilizers and waterings promoting a deeper root system making for a healthier and more drought tolerant lawn. Aeration creates an excellent seed bed and provides a great opportunity for over-seeding. Immediately following Core Aeration, grass seed is broadcast over existing lawn by the use of a rotary spreader. The seed blend will be chosen based on your sites specific growing conditions. Application rates are typically 4-6 lbs. per thousand square feet. A starter fertilizer is often incorporated with this service to promote quicker growth. Over-seeding is an excellent way to fill in bare spots or thicken up sparse areas of existing turf. Areas with more than 50% turf loss will be slice seeded. A slice seeder is a walk behind machine comprised of several rows of rotating blades. These blades cut small slits or furrows in the soil. Grass seed is then dropped from the machine’s hopper down into these grooves and covered with soil. This is similar to the way corn is planted in a field.
